Golf Membership Pack 2025

Conditions of Play

Dress Code

Standard of Golf

Whilst Puckrup Hall is a forward thinking club and understands the changing face of fashion we are however fully aware of the standards both on and off the course that have made this a much respected game amongst other sports. Should a member of your group be inappropriately dressed, we will refuse them access to the golf course.

Whilst we do not require handicap certificates, we do request that all players are of a competent ability and respect other golfer’s abilities and have a sound knowledge of common golfing rules and etiquette.


The sharing of clubs is not allowed.

The following is considered appropriate attire for the Golf Course:

Tee Times

• Collared or turtle neck shirts with long/short sleeves.

You are expected to arrive on the tee 10 minutes prior to your tee time.

• Full length trousers.

Pace of Play Guidelines

• Tailored shorts with sports socks.

Our course carries pace of play guidelines, we anticipate a flight of 3 to 4 players should not take longer than FOUR AND A QUARTER HOURS. Course Marshals will monitor the pace of play and ensure guidelines are adhered to through various measures of enforcement. Please play Ready Golf, mark cards on the next tee and leave bags and trollies at the green exit point.

• Ladies may wear sleeveless shirts and mid length trousers.

• Golf shoes must be worn


Buggies may only be driven by those over the age of 18 years. Buggies MUST be kept to the paths where possible at all times and kept a 15 yard radius away from tees and greens. Drivers must have a full UK driving licence.

Competition Formats

During busy periods only certain formats of play will be allowed in order to aid the pace of play, please bear this in mind when arranging competitions, to discuss acceptable formats or clarification please contact the Golf Reception.

The Course

Puckrup Hall makes every effort to ensure that you enjoy your experience of our course, all golfers are requested to repair pitch marks, replace divots and rake bunkers. The Golf Club reserves the right to remove golfers from the course who are not deemed to be of a competent ability or who fail to abide by the conditions of play detailed above.

Pairing Up Policy

To ensure that there is a consistent speed of play, at busy times The Golf Club reserves the right to pair up golfers as required to assist with the management of these guidelines.

We thank you in advance for your co- operation with these matters.

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